EUR 3,800/year
2 years
15 December–15 April and 15 June–15 October

Make you region shine

How to participate in the development of your city or region, increase the standards of their inhabitants or make it more attractive for tourists and investors? And why some regions are economically and socially less developed and how to change it? So many questions. Let’s find the answer during your studies!

Understand the development conditions in specific localities. Figure out, what the presence of companies, well-educated people, or tourist attractions can mean for the region. Gain insight into the functioning of regional and innovation policy. And also, how to get money for these projects meanwhile learning how to prevent environmental pollution and with what tools. Don’t worry, tourism management and marketing won’t be left behind.

Graduate profile: tourism consultant or destination manager?

Graduate’s skills include competencies enabling them to pursue their careers in both public and private institutions. Professional positions in state and territorial administration, or as regional development, tourism consultants, project destination managers, and consultants will be waiting for you!


To be accepted for a master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, you need to provide the admission office with your previous study results, CV, and a proof of English langauge proficiency and academic competence of your choice.

Ready to study Business Management in Brno, Central Europe? Then apply! For more details, just see the contacts below or click the button to learn more.

Get in touch with our ambassador!


Lorena Maribel Chávez Reyes


Economics and Public Policy

Ask our admission officer

Admission officer

Barbora Němcová

+420 549 49 4945